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The Dangers Cockroaches Bring To Los Angeles Homes


Cockroaches are vectors for over thirty different bacteria, parasitic worms, and other pathogens, and their carcasses and shed exoskeletons can worsen asthma and allergies. As mess-loving creatures, they are attracted to buildings with poor sanitation, but as hardy insects with the survival instinct of dinosaurs, they can survive on next to nothing. Therefore any home can be at risk of an infestation.

In the California area, it’s important to keep an eye out for a few common cockroaches.

Three Common California Cockroaches

There are around 30 cockroaches that encroach on homes and businesses and are considered pests, but a select few of them are more common in the California area. Each has unique preferences for the most ideal environment.

German Cockroach:

  • Light brown to tan, they have two dark-colored stripes behind their heads. They are flat and oval-shaped and can grow to ⅝ of an inch long.
  • These roaches prefer warm and humid environments. In homes, they are more likely to be seen in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • They will eat almost anything, including soap.

The next species of cockroach is primarily nocturnal and a bit harder to catch.

Brown-Banded Cockroach:

  • These roaches have x-shaped brown bands across their wings. Females are darker than males and have stunted wings. They can grow to ½ an inch long.
  • They prefer drier areas with temperatures over 80 degrees, and they are often found in kitchen cabinets, bathrooms, and around light fixtures. Will lay egg cases in or under furniture and are commonly found inside appliances.
  • Aren’t picky eaters. Will eat things like book glue and boxes, but of course like to eat trash.

The final cockroach is the largest on the list and can fly short distances.

American Cockroach:

  • Light to reddish-brown with a yellow figure-eight behind the head, these roaches can grow to over two inches in length.
  • They prefer warm, moist, and dark environments with temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees, and can be found in kitchens, bathrooms, basements, and laundry rooms.
  • While they will eat anything, they have a special fondness for rotting and fermenting material. Outdoors, they like fungi, decaying leaves, and insects. Indoors, they eat crumbs and dog food.

Cockroaches are fast disease spreaders that travel from places like sewers, dumpsters, bathrooms, and under piles of decaying matter. It’s obvious they don’t belong inside your home. Regular visits from a pest control professional, along with good sanitization practices, are the best means of keeping these dangerous pests away.

Contact A Step Above Pest Control & Termite At The First Sign Of A Problem

Getting rid of a roach infestation on your own is not only likely to be ineffective, but it could also be dangerous. Roaches are resistant to pesticide treatment which is far more likely to jeopardize human health than pest health. It’s also a risk to get deep into an infested environment where pathogens and allergens could affect your health.

A Step Above Pest Control & Termite is trained in safe and effective extermination techniques that can tackle even the toughest foes. We want to handle the dangers, so you don’t have to. If you don’t have a pest problem but want to learn how to prevent one, we can advise you on making your home inhospitable to pests. Not only do we have basic pest plans for homes that need minimal protection, but we also have plans for homes with more advanced needs. Whatever your desired level of protection, we have an option that’s right for you. Call or visit us online for a free estimate.
